Version released on 03/03/2025
Release highlights
Data Catalog: Metadata files
The file with technical metadata and the one with functional metadata (notes) have been modified to be downloaded in Excel format. Also the upload of functional metadata is now done in Excel.
The following changes have been implemented:
The upload of functional metadata is done with the same format as the downloaded file which is Excel.
Each type of structure will go in a separate sheet in the Excel book.
The header external id of the structure is highlighted in yellow to indicate that is mandatory.
The headers of the note fields are also highlighted as those are the ones that are editable.
The downloads include the domain of the structure. However, domain cannot be updated via file upload.
When updating notes, if you do not want to update a field you can either keep the existing content or remove the column of the file. If you want to delete the content of a field, leave the column and leave the cell blank (please note that this behaviour has changed, up to this version cells with no content were ignore and there was no way to delete the content of a field).
Features and fixes delivered with this release
TD-7034 Notes upload and download files to be in Excel format
TD-7069 Add Subdomains tab to Taxonomies and make the tabs customisable
TD-7091 Enhancements to multilanguage view of concepts during review
TD-7049 Provide support for Gemini in td-ai
TD-7135 Update kong-setup base alpine image
TD-7112 Issues with glossary sub-scopes: concepts appear in both glossary and sub-scope views and sub-scope tables have default customisation
TD-7096 Sort search results solely based on the score when processing an input query
TD-7107 Implementations not sorting by implementation key correctly
TD-7086 Group Execution view is not displaying customised columns with Implementation dynamic_content
TD-7070 Changes to notes not being reindexed
Last updated