
Version released on 21/08/2023

Release highlights

1. Language capabilities: Information downloaded in your language

When downloading csv files, e.g. business concepts, structure's notes, data quality results, the headers of the file will be in your browser's language and also the content of the fields. For template fields to be translated, the administrator has to have defined the values in both English and Spanish.


Note: Not available for files with structure's editable metadata yet.

Features and fixes delivered with this release


  • TD-5891 As a user, I want the information in the downloaded csv's to be in the language of my web browser

  • TD-5715 When uploading structures, for new structures, if they have a parent structure already in the Catalog with a mark to inheritate domain, use the parent's domain.

  • TD-5938 Allow to edit basic implementations as form/raw implementations when they are in draft status

  • TD-5937 Data Catalog views defined by metadata should only allow metadata fields you can filter by

  • TD-2778 Data Catalog reindexing: Improve performance and error handling

  • TD-5902 Review space taken by table data_structures_hierarchy

  • TD-5468 Upgrade Kong service version

  • TD-5778 Include the linked structures and their domains in Metrics implementations table

  • TD-5992 Include the linked structures domains in Metrics implementations table


  • TD-5867 Cannot use special characters when defining raw implementations

  • TD-5913 In templates, when a field is mandatory but depends on the value of another field that can have multiple values, there is no validation and it can be left blank

  • TD-5936 Indicator of whether a child/parent structure has a published note or not is not being retrieved