Version released on 05/04/2022
Version released on 05/04/2022
As a Data Catalog manager, holding the permission to 'Manage Structure Domain', you can now upload a csv file to update the domain(s) of multiple structures. In order to do this, go to the Data Catalog main screen and in the right-hand side menu, select the new option 'Update structure domains'.
The csv file must have the following format:
Column headers: external_id, domain_external_ids
external_id: the external id of the structure which domain(s) is to be updated
domain_external_ids: the external id of the new domain. If the structure has more than one domain, they must be included as a list separated by pipes (‘|’)
From the Sources screen, as an admin user you can navigate to the details of the jobs that have been executed.
TD-4535 As a data catalog manager I want to update the domain for multiple structures in just one action
TD-4126 As an admin I want to see the list of jobs for my source in the source view
TD-4643 Option for raw implementations is not available for users with permission to create this kind of implementations
TD-4617 DomainDropdownSelector does not show selected children when the domain tree is collapsed
TD-4666 Enrich domain parents in business concepts search
TD-4670 Change RouteListener to dismiss alert when any route change occurs