A new type of subscription is included in this version to allow to notify selected users with any specific event happenning to one of our sources. This will allow to use truedat's notification system to send emails and notify in truedat to some user in case that a connector executes or fails.
Tables and fields used in our quality implementations have been indexed in our search engine. This allows user to search implementations by field or table name, finding all quality being applied to specific data assets.
TD-3733 Include structure names in implementations index
TD-4099 As an admin user I want to create a subscription to source's events
TD-4128 As an admin I want to automatically publish structures notes when performing bulk update
TD-4278 Grants bulk load
TD-4216 Include in metrics relation between quality implementations and data structures
TD-4228 Include optional external id for users
TD-4174 Modifying implementation key should not lose results
TD-4253 /api/rule_implementations/search should include modifiers
TD-4280 Timeout during reindexing
TD-4283 Move MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH configuration
TD-4169 Structure notes bulk load takes too much time and returns timeout
TD-4207 Bulk notes upload is not reindexing all affected structures