Version released on 23/10/2023
Release highlights
1. Data Market: Approval/Rejection of multiple requests
As a grant approver you can now select several requests and approve them in one go. You can filter the list of grant requests to easily find the requests to approve/reject. Filters can be done by any field from the request, from the structure's metadata (technical and functional) and by user.
As when approving/rejecting a single request, if you have more than one role that is required to approve the requests, you have to choose which role you want to approve them with. Then you will be able to add a comment and the selected requests will be approved/rejected.

Features and fixes delivered with this release
TD-5540 As a grant approver user I want to approve/reject several grants at the same time
TD-5958 As a lineage user I want to have an url for the lineage/impact of a resource that does not change when the graph changes
TD-5582 As a quality user when I clone an implementation I expect to keep links to concepts
TD-6136 [Metrics] Update grant_requests on SDK
TD-6082 Invalid content errors in csv uploads related to translations
TD-5892 [PVR0450487] semver-7.3.8.tgz (Due date: 2023-10-21)