Truedat has capabilities to send notifications via email to the application users depending on subscriptions to different events in the application. Users can be subscribed via different type of subscriptions.
User: Subscribe a user to one event. With this type of subscriber we could define exactly which user want to receive notifications for which events.
Role: Subscribe all users with a specific role to receive notifications. For example, setting up that all users with the role of "Data Owner" over a quality rule will receive notifications when there is an error on that rule.
Role in taxonomy: Same as Role but only for users with a role in a domain and all its subdomains.
Subscriptions will be linked to a selected resource in the application. Resources enabled will be different depending on the type of event to be subscribed:
Domain and children
Quality Rule
Quality Implementation
A subscription linked to a domain will allow to receive notifications for any event that happens within the domain.
List of events currently supported for subscriptions:
Events without parameters:
Concept deprecated
Concept published
Concept rejection canceled
Concept submitted (for approval)
Delete concept draft
New Concept draft
Update concept draft
Comment created
Data Structures:
Tag added to structure
Tag modified
Tag deleted from structure
Structure Note deleted
Structure Note deprecated
Structure Note return to draft
Structure Note pending to approval
Structure Note published
Structure Note rejected
Structure Note updated
Structure Note versioned
New grant request pending approval
Grant request approval: new approval
Grant request approval: consensus
Grant request rejected
Grant request canceled
Grant request: process started (processing)
Grant request: process completed (processed)
Grant request: process failure
Access to a structure has been granted
Access to a structure has been revoked
Relation created (between concept and other concepts or structures)
Relation deleted
Relation deprecated (automatically discovery of removed element in the relation)
Jobs status changes
Rule created
Implementation created
Remediation plan created
Events with parameters
Rule result created:
🔴 < Threshold
🔶 > Threshold, <Goal
✅ > Goal
Implementation status updated:
Pending approval
Subscriptions administration
Using the administration option you will be able to create new subscriptions in order to alert users of different events happening to concepts in which the user has a certain role.
New Subscription
Select the type of subscriber and will be given a list of roles or a list of users or a free text field depending on the type.
Select the type of resource the notifications will be related to. Depending of the type of resource selected you will have to select the corresponding entity. Be aware that Domain and "Domain and children" work in slightly different manner.
Domain: Subscription only to entities directly linked to the given domain
Domain and children: All entities linked to the given domain or any of its children will be included in the subscription.
Periodicitiy: Select if you want users to receive emails immediately when the event is produced or have periodic notifications (daily or hourly).
Events: Select to which events this subscription will apply. Be aware that some of the events are not compatible in the same subscription. Compatibility between events depends on the parameters required for each type of event.
Subscription details
From the subscription view an administrator will be able to check the subscription configuration and perform the following actions:
Edit subscription: Subscriber and resource are not allowed to be modified since in that case it is considered a new subscription.
Delete subscription