Release highlights
1. Domain Selector
A new domain selector is introduced with this version. This selector will allow to navigate through your domain hierarchie or search directly for one domain. We will always display the parents of a selected domain. This has been included in all the points of the application where a domains need to be selected having different components for multiselection, single selection and filters.

2. Structures notes bulk load
This feature has been enabled for any user with permission to create notes without need to be an administrator. When you upload the information the application will check if it you have permission to create notes in all the domains to which the metadata is assigned. In case you have the proper permissions metadata will be uploaded creating a new version of the note in case that it was already published. If you have permission to publish notes from draft status you will have the option to load the metadata directly publishing it.
Features and fixes delivered with this release
TD-3230 As a user I want to have a domain selector using taxonomy hierarchy whenever I want to select a domain
TD-3617 As an unauthenticated user, I want to be redirected to the requested URL after I've authenticated
TD-3724 As a user I want to see events for documents shared with me in the notifications list
TD-3787 As a Data Catalog user I want to bulk load structures' notes without being administrator
TD-3933 Metadata upload: Maximum payload size should be configurable
TD-3752 Quality implementations and quality rules execution -> Without results filters is not available
TD-3867 Some graphs are failing to be displayed giving internal server error
TD-3904 Glue Connector: ValidationException on GetTables operation
TD-3925 Athena connector exception
TD-3927 Metrics connector is not populating notes information into the data structure metrics table
TD-3928 User with permission to assign a role in a domain is not able to retrieve list of users/groups