Bulk Updates

Bulk update of concepts

From the main screen of the Business Glossary, admin users will have the option to perform a massive update of concepts. In order to carry out this massive update, the following must be taken into account:

  1. You can only bulk update concepts of the same type (that is, they use the same template)

  2. We will always have to choose the domain to which the concepts will pass. If you want them to remain in the same domain, you must filter for that domain and select that domain when updating. Therefore, concepts from different domains cannot be updated if we do not want them to all belong to the same domain. For this use case, they must be carried out in batches corresponding to each destination domain.

  3. The rest of the fields are optional and only those for which a value is entered will be updated on the concept. All the fields for the template / type that you have filtered will appear.

  4. We can update the published versions or those are pending, depending on the tab on which we make said update.

Once the fields to be updated are filled in and by pressing the "Save" button, we will be asked for confirmation to carry out the update, informing us of the number of concepts to be updated.

Bulk update of structure's notes

From the main screen of the data catalog, as an administrator user you will have the option of performing a massive update of the additional information associated with the structures. In order to carry out this massive update, the following must be taken into account:

  • Additional information (notes) can only be massively updated for structures that have this option active, that is, have an associated template.

  • Only one type of structure can be updated in each action. On the main screen of Structures in Data Catalog, you have to filter by the Type of structure to be updated and then on the menu on the right-hand side click on 'Update'.

  • All fields are optional and only those for which a value is entered will be updated on the structure. All the fields of the template / type by which it has been filtered will appear.

  • Once the fields to be updated are filled in and when we press the "Save" button we will be asked for confirmation to carry out the update, informing us of the number of structures to be updated. There are 2 options: update the notes and leave them in Draft status so they will have to be published later or update and leave the notes alreadyin Published status.

Last updated