Connectors and Data Sources

Through the functionality of managing connectors and sources, we can define the necessary characteristics to report so that a connector can bring information from one source as well as register different sources for the same connector.

First of all, for the use of this module to be useful, at least one connector must be installed that uses the connector management features provided in truedat, in such a way that it has the ability to connect to various data sources depending on the configuration. Once we have said connector, the connector template must be registered.


Definition of the different data sources. We can have more than one data source for the same connector in such a way that the connectors will know how to read the configuration of each of the sources and perform the actions corresponding to their nature for each one of them.

When registering a new source, the following fields must be filled in:

  • External id: Identifier that the connector will use to identify the source. This identifier will be required when the connector reports the different events generated when performing actions on said connector.

  • Type: It will define the connector to which the origin that we are registering is referring. Depending on the type chosen, the different fields defined for said connector will be displayed, to be filled in by the user. These additional fields are variable and depend on the connector. In the source management screen we can delete sources that do not have any execution or pause a source to prevent it from importing metadata updates.

User will be able to either pause or remove an existing Source. In case that the source is paused it will be posible to activate it in the future. If the source is removed the jobs execution information will still be available to be queried by the user.

There will also be the option to delete an origin. In the event that the connector has reported events on said source, the source cannot be deleted since this would trigger the deletion of the execution history, currently not viewable through the user interface.


In this administration module we will be able to monitor the execution to obtain metadata from the different sources configured in the application. For this, a list will be displayed with the execution result of all the origins ordered from most recent to oldest.

Clicking on a job will provide extended details on the execution of that given job

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